All About Faith Baptist Church.
On Sunday, July 8, 1973, sixty-five concerned people met with founding pastor Lloyd Jewett to discuss the possibility of establishing a new church. Within two weeks (July 22, 1973), Faith Baptist Church met for the first public service in the Lenawee County Labor Building with 167 in attendance. The Charter Membership service was held on Sunday, September 16 of the same year with 172 charter members. The following October, the church purchased 20 acres of land including a pastor's home. On Sunday, September 15, 1974 ground was broken for the first unit of the church building and Mother's Day of 1975 (May 11) the church held services in the new building with 446 in attendance.
The church was affiliated as an American Baptist Convention congregation. However, in the Spring of 1994 the church decided to become an independent Baptist Church. As such they began giving directly to missionaries and mission projects rather than through ABC Missions.
On Christmas Day of 1996 the church building was totally destroyed by an electrical fire. The congregation built a new building, nearly doubling the former facilities. Since then, Faith Baptist has celebrated several milestones.
Faith Baptist Church has had five pastors: Lloyd Jewett, Robert Stuck, Stephen James, Archie Graham, and Greg Burdine.
The church was affiliated as an American Baptist Convention congregation. However, in the Spring of 1994 the church decided to become an independent Baptist Church. As such they began giving directly to missionaries and mission projects rather than through ABC Missions.
On Christmas Day of 1996 the church building was totally destroyed by an electrical fire. The congregation built a new building, nearly doubling the former facilities. Since then, Faith Baptist has celebrated several milestones.
Faith Baptist Church has had five pastors: Lloyd Jewett, Robert Stuck, Stephen James, Archie Graham, and Greg Burdine.
Our Affiliation
Faith Baptist Church is an INDEPENDENT church. Our church is self-governed, determines its own affairs, chooses its own pastor, owns its own buildings and assets, determines its own programs and missions projects, and reports to no hierarchy or legislative body.
Faith Baptist Church is a BAPTIST church. Baptists traditionally hold to several beliefs that have identified them as distinct:
Faith Baptist Church is a BAPTIST church. Baptists traditionally hold to several beliefs that have identified them as distinct:
- Immersion as the Biblical method of baptism.
- Regenerate membership (only born-again Christians are members).
- Believer’s baptism (baptism does not save, only believers are to be baptized. We are baptized into the membership of the church, not into Christ.).
- Autonomous assembly (not part of a religious hierarchy).
- Congregational polity (local congregation holds the power).
- Eternal security of the believer.
- Separation of church and state.
- Sign gifts (tongues, healing, etc.) have ceased. Baptists believe in many of the spiritual gifts (teaching, helps, administration, etc.) and seek to help each believer discover and use their unique blend of gift. But we believe the purpose and the usage of the apostolic sign gifts ceased with the apostles. However, we believe God still performs miracles.
- It allows us to identify with other Christians who are known for their commitment to the Bible and its principles.
- It allows us to participate in missions projects that we could not do by ourselves.
- It allows us to build relationships with other local and area believers and cooperate in worship, evangelism, fellowship, ministry, and discipleship endeavors on a much larger scale.