Children of all ages are happy to attend Faith Baptist Church because of the classes and activities that are tailored to the specific age and need of each child.
When your child is in our Nursery, you can be guaranteed the best possible care by our loving team of nursery workers. Your child will receive personal attention and play with clean, sanitized toys. Babies will be fed, napped, and changed according to the parents’ specifications. The Nursery is for newborns through 24 months. Our Toddler classroom is for 2- and 3-year-old children. They participate in Bible memory games, story time, songs, games, and other activities that help in the development of coordination as well as in promoting team play.

Sunday School
Prior to the Sunday morning worship service, children experience Faith Baptist Sunday School. Using colorful, Bible-based lessons, children learn the Bible at their age level, participate in crafts and projects, and are taught good Christian morals and values. They learn Biblical principles that they can apply to their lives. Trained teachers bring eternal truths from God’s Word in the following children’s groups:
- Nursery (under 2 years old)
- Toddlers (2 & 3 year olds)
- Beginners (4 & 5 year olds)
- Primaries (1st - 3rd grades)
- Middlers (4th - 6th grades)

Children's Church
Children are different from adults. Because of many of these differences, Faith Baptist Church has a unique “Children’s Church” at the same time as the Sunday morning worship service. Three separate classes are structured to allow children to express worship to God through song and prayer and understand His Word in their own special learning style.

AWANA is an international organization created to train and motivate boys and girls through the Word of God. It has proven to be successful in countries all over the world and has been a dynamic program right here at Faith Baptist Church. The acrostic “AWANA” comes from the first letters of Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15). Children range in age from 2 years through 6th grade. The weekly meetings (Sundays at 5:45 pm through the school year) help boys and girls grow spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. The club strives to maintain a positive, loving atmosphere to encourage spiritual learning.
See what our kids are doing at Awana! /awana-photos
See what our kids are doing at Awana! /awana-photos