I'm New

Attending a church for the first time can seem a little intimidating. So, here’s some insight on what happens at Faith Baptist Church on an average Sunday.

Your first stop should be our Welcome Center. We have a friendly greeter who will welcome you, give you a gift, provide some information about our church, make a name tag, and give directions to your next stop.

If you arrive at 9:30am, you are just in time for Sunday School. We have classes for all ages and will direct you to the appropriate class. If you have children, we hope you will get to know the teacher. If your child would rather stay with you until they are acclimated to this new situation, that’s okay. However, we only allow screened & trained volunteers to minister with all minor children. For adults we have four Sunday School classes to choose from. You can try them all out before you settle on the one that meets your needs and style.

If you arrive at 10:30am, you are in for a treat. This is our primary Worship Service. We start right on time. But if you’re late, that’s okay. Our ushers will help you find a seat. During our singing time, we generally sing a couple of new songs with guitars, piano & drums. Then, we will sing a couple of traditional hymns with piano and organ. We embrace the richness of the past with the passion of the present.

Our pastor will preach a sermon using a passage of the Bible as the foundation. Though a simple explanation of what the Bible means is at the core of every message, practical applications and spot-on illustrations make it real personal. At the close of the message, our pastor will invite anyone to make public any decisions they have made or request prayer by meeting him at the stage. All are welcome.

During our services, we do not receive an offering. Rather, we have a “giving box” in our lobby for people to donate and give financially to the ministry of our church. We are a congregation-supported church. In other words, the services, ministries and missions endeavors of our church are totally supported by our own people. We have no outside sources. Many of our people use the “giving box” and offering envelopes to give to the Lord’s work. Some give online or use other means (text to give, mail, etc.). As a guest, we would never ask you to donate to our church. If you do, thank you very much. But in no way is it expected.

During our Sunday morning service we encourage you to allow your children to experience our children’s ministry. We have a Nursery (0-2 years) and Toddler (2 & 3 years) class for young children. We also have two Children’s Church classes for those 6th grade and younger. Each class will teach Biblical truths at the child’s level with lessons, crafts, and games.

In addition to Sunday mornings, we have a Sunday Evening service at 6pm. We don’t have nearly the attendance on Sunday night, but we sing and hear an uplifting message. During the school year (Sept – May), at 5:45pm, our AWANA clubs begin for children 2 years through sixth grade. We also have our youth group meet on Sunday evenings at 5:45pm.

On Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 we have a Prayer & Bible Study group.
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions concerning Faith Baptist Church. If you don’t find your question here, feel free to contact us at any time.

Where are you located?
Faith Baptist Church is located at 3625 Hunt Road, just north of the city limits of Adrian, Michigan.

How should I dress to fit in?
Come comfortable! At Faith Baptist, you’ll find a few people dressed up, but for the most part, casual clothing is the “norm.” Come as you are…we have no “expectations” for how you should dress.

What about my kids?
Your kids are sure to LOVE our children’s ministry! We offer childcare during each service from birth through age 2. During Sunday School, there are classes available for pre-school (birth-4yrs), elementary kids (K-6th grade) and youth (7th-12th grades). During our Sunday morning service, we have age-appropriate Children’s Church for 3rd grade and younger. An outstanding team of background-checked adult leaders will be ready to greet you and guide you to where your child’s class meets. Find out more about Children’s Ministry here or Youth Ministry here.

What is your worship service like?
Faith Baptist worship services are designed to be powerful and meaningful to your everyday life. We seek to provide relevant, biblical teaching and a mix of modern and traditional music styles that will encourage and challenge you in your spiritual journey. You can view some of the messages here.

Will I be asked to give money?
No. Giving is an act of worship for believers and should not be given under compulsion. You are welcome to give an offering but are not expected to.

How can I get involved in Faith Baptist Church?
There are many opportunities for you and your family to be involved at Faith Baptist. Sunday School is the best way to get started, but there are also opportunities in every area of ministry where you can be a part. Some ministry positions are available for members only. However, many are available to anyone willing to serve. Find out more about our ministries here.

Do I have to be a member to attend?  
No, we welcome everyone to our worship services. We want to make sure that everyone has a relevant and meaningful worship experience with us regardless of whether they are members or not.

How do I become a member?
Anyone is welcome to attend Faith Baptist Church, but many will desire to be more committed than just attending. That’s what our membership at Faith Baptist Church is all about: commitment. Commitment to being a part of what God is doing in our midst, commitment to serve, commitment to being a vital part of this community of believers. To become a member, the first step is attending our Membership Class. Contact us to find out when the next classes will be offered.

Do you meet during inclement weather conditions?
Typically, we’re always meeting! But listen to WLEN (103.9 FM) for updated information in case of really extreme weather. But for the most part, if we can physically get here, you can bet that we’re having church! On Wednesdays, if Adrian Public Schools are cancelled, we are cancelled.

What denomination is the church?  
Faith Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church that operates independently of any denominational control. We partner with several good organizations (including Baptist Bible Fellowship International and Michigan Baptists) to more effectively fulfill our vision and help our members minister.

What exactly do you believe?
Click here to view our statement of beliefs.